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The Lion

Meet Amy

Hey sweets! It’s me, the Lion. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I am a wickedly sarcastic, free-spirited, aquarian rebel. I have been blazing my own path for as far back as I can remember; which of course means I am the black sheep of my family. I just recently learned that I come from a long line of what I call empaths, others may call them mediums or sensitives. I just choose to bunch it all into that one word though, empath. You might be wondering, what exactly is an empath? An Empath is a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual. Many empaths can feel the mental and emotional state of all beings, including plants and animals. I personally, can sense the wellness or dis-ease of plants, animals, and human souls; including those that have passed. I am aware that communicating with those that have passed is typically called being a medium; however, the word medium oftentimes includes preconceived notions of what that exactly is. Some of those negative connotations are why I do not prefer to call myself a medium. 
I distinctly remember what it was like before I realized that I was an empath. I had been diagnosed with severe depression multiple times and had just been told that I was borderline bipolar. Literally, just one yes answer away during the questions. I knew that I did not want to be on medications for the rest of my life and that I had to do something different. It was around this time that I first walked into a metaphysical store. Walking into that store and perusing the aisles of products,  the plethora of books, and touching literally all of the crystals made me finally feel at peace. It was also the first time I realized, other people like me existed, and I learned about being an empath. I lived in a small country town so I didn’t get to go there as often as I would have liked but every single time I was there, it was pure magic. I started strengthening my intuition and quickly began to understand when those feelings were not mine. Understanding my abilities and how to manage the energetic debris that accumulates on a daily basis has been the foundation of my success. Once I began implementing a daily clearing practice my life began to transform. Eventually, I no longer needed the medications. 
My goal is to create a safe, loving space for sensitive souls to go to when they need help, or even if they just have questions about energy work, spirituality, or empathy. Where you can find community, learn about energy work, and most importantly grow. I want to teach you how to effectively manage other people’s energetic effects upon you & help you discover your own truth and life purpose, so you can become the best and strongest version of your authentic self. 

The Lion: Services
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