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The Porcupine

Meet Mikki

Greetings Lovelies!

It’s Mikki, the porcupine of the duo, and a Taurus to boot. These two assets I possess, basically boil down to a whole lot of stubborn, mixed with just as much sass, and tossed with compassion, and an undying desire to help those that need it the most.(Did I mention, sass?)  I seem very intimidating to some, well, most, I am told, if we are being honest, but, under that I am just a girl, that sees the best in everyone, shines light when there seems to be none, and eager to teach you what has and hasn’t worked for me in this crazy journey.

A bit of history on myself and the Lion, we have been friends since the mid to late 80’s from Small Town America. Our lives led us separate directions, and we lost touch for a while, but as it is said, things that were meant to be, always return. We’re still going as strong as ever, maybe even stronger.

Having dabbled in life in such a vast array of careers as truck stop waitress, bartender, corner store clerk, retail store keeper, front desk attendant, third party broker, to the opposite end,  as a certified training 911 operator, hostage negotiator, suicide prevention mediator and jailer, and now as a lunch lady you could say I am pretty well versed in the world of the working. Aside from my experience in the workplace, I have also got about 17 years of recovery under my belt. This journey has seen me through as a NA sponsor, a seated chairperson on an NA board as well as the individual that took the message into the Jails and Institutions, sharing the love with those that needed it the most. 

I am a mother of four beautiful shiny souls, ranging from 23 to 7, and 2 bonus boys, not to mention the countless others that I have been blessed in being part of their upbringing. I am also the wife, of an amazing guy, that supports me in all of my crazy endeavors, and loves me just the same.

I am a Midwestern girl, transplanted into the South, and for those of you that don’t know, being a “Yankee” in the South, can be quite a daunting task in itself.. but I wouldn’t change it for the world. 

Now, about this empathy thing… I grew up knowing I was a bit different that most, I felt things more deeply than others, and I knew if someone was not being honest, I could read it in their faces. I could tell what people were going to say before it came out of their mouths, I saw situations happen in my mind, as if it were a dream, yet, it always came to light, just as I had “dreamed” it would do. I could speak to those that had passed, and tell someone’s story with a simple touch of their hand. People I had never met would come to me, and bare their souls, or just want to know me, more about me, and the healing. I could send people away after a chat feeling much better, both physically and emotionally. There were so many other things, but with just these, I knew there was something going on… but what? Is there anyone else like this?

I will never forget the day I got a name for these feelings, thoughts, emotions, visions… I was on a weekend getaway with a High School friend and our families, and I was out of sorts, emotional  and edgy, and she said these words to me, “You know you’re an empath, right”, to which I responded, “Empathetic?, of course”, “No,” she said, “Look it up”. Now, here we are today, a number of years later, and I am ready to help you learn these same things about yourself. You are not alone, and I would be blessed to help you along your journey.            ~Namaste, Mikki

The Porcupine: Services
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